Sunday, March 1, 2009

Political Musings: Rush Limbaugh is a Fool

And he is at it again.

This is a video of him at the CPAC conference, spouting off again about how he wants Obama to fail.

He said,
This notion that I want the president to fail, this shows you the problem we've got. This is nothing more than common sense and to not be able to say it? Why in the world would I want what we just described: rampant government growth, wealth that is not being created yet is being spent? What is in this, what is possibly in this that any of us want to succeed? Did the Democrats want the war of Iraq to fail? They certainly did. And they not only wanted the war in Iraq to fail they proclaimed it a failure.... They hoped George Bush failed. So what is so strange about being honest and saying I want Barack Obama to fail if his mission is to restructure and reform this country so that capitalism and individual liberty are not its foundation?

Now, Rush Limbaugh is entitled to his views. He is entitled to believing in small government, defending the war in Iraq, and everything else he believes (I'm not an avid follower).

But this whole thing about wanting Obama to fail because Democrats wanted Republicans to fail in Iraq?

As my favorite columnist Bob Lefsetz would say,

Maybe Limbaugh's right, maybe the Democrats did want the Iraq war to fail so they could sneer at Republicans everywhere. If so, FUCK THEM. I personally thought that Iraq was stupid wrong, and everything else, but anybody who truly gives a shit about this country and the people in it does not want to see us fail in any endeavor we go forth in.

So in terms of the worst economic crisis of the past 80 years, Mr. Limbaugh wants Obama to fail? He wants the recession to get worse, having people lose their jobs, homes, and livelihood?

What, to prove a point, that his ideology is better than that of the Democrats?

Remember Pyrrhus?
Upon being congratulated for winning a battle against the Romans, he said
Another such victory over the Romans, and we are undone.

So go ahead, Mr. Limbaugh. Hope your right. Just be aware of what the consequences could be if you are.

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