Saturday, February 28, 2009

Be excited for the future of rap...

Track in the background=fire. Cudi is doin his thang.

The Sloar Panel Debate continues...

Saw this in Popular Mechanics, and definitely thought it was worth mentioning, both in light of George Will's comments about the vailidity of global warming and droughts in California.

So Solar Panels... Necessary? Viable Option? Read this to make an informed decision.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Andy Gilmore is an artist who creates crazy Kaleidoscopes. The day itunes uses graphics this good on their visualizer is officially the day I get stoned, listen to music and stare at my screen for the rest of my life.

Check out more HERE

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Freshmen year madness...

Reminiscing on the days when this was all I cared about... I think I want a redo on my 4 years.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Comedy in the '09

Movies let's face it, have the tendency to be a bit out of touch with reality. While Paul Blart: Mall Cop was openly ridiculed by film critics everywhere, the general public liked it just fine, as it has earned a total of $121 MILLION to date. Slumdog Millionaire? Best picture Oscar winner and in theatres for almost 3 months? $98 million. And this was the most accessible of all of the movies nominated for best picture.
Clearly, Hollywood has a thing or to to learn about what people really want to see. They could start by asking Judd Apatow and Adam Sandler, the Prince and King of comedy, respectively. They get the middle class to come to the box office like none other.

Check out their latest project below:

Too good to be true???

Im not really a big time weed smoker. If someone twists a blunt, I mean, then I will hit it, but otherwise, its not really part of my daily repetoire.

That being said, its gotta be the most harmless drug ever. I have done too much caffeine and alcohol, and the side effects of those seem to be MUCH worse.

So thank you Tom Ammiano, for pushing legislation forward to legalize mary jane.

Article Here

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Day N Nite Video

Cant believe it took this long for this song to get a video and radio play...

When life gives you lemons...

Another recession induced idea.

Lately you haven't exactly been eager to spend time in banks.

But ducking into an underground vault to enjoy a Manhattan or two should change all that—The Crocker Club opens Friday.

In the basement of the former Crocker Citizens National Bank building, you'll now find an awe-inspiring labyrinth of rooms and hidden corners that takes you back to another era. (You know, when the market was exciting in a good way.) A seat in the vault is prime real estate, obviously, but you can also sneak into one of the intimate booths where customers once examined the contents of their safe-deposit boxes in privacy. Times change, so you'll be fine examining the contents of your classic Sazerac with whoever's joining you.

The owners make a good argument for stricter regulation of our banks—here the staff is in pinstripes, the ice cubes come perfectly shaped from a Kold-Draft dispenser, and the crystal decanters come from...the managing partner's grandmother. The owners even swear they have their own ghost—the back room is reverently called Ghost Bar—so, really, all bases seem to be covered.

Because when life hands you a recession, you make...a night of it.

This looks like fun...

Get me one of these for my next slumber party...

Prop 8- The Saga Continues...

The state assembly's key Judiciary Committee has voted 7 - 3 that Proposition 8 should never have been allowed on the ballot:

Because advocates are arguing that a two-thirds vote of the Legislature was required to qualify the gay marriage ban for the ballot, they want to have lawmakers on the record agreeing with that position when the Supreme Court begins its deliberations, said Geoffrey Kors, executive director of the gay rights group Equality California. “It's important the Legislature makes it clear that they are not OK with having their power usurped,” Kors said. The resolution goes next to the full Assembly. The state Senate is scheduled to consider a companion measure in coming weeks.

via Andrew Sullivan

Broke overseas...

With summer and graduation approaching waaaayyyy too soon for folks my age (not me, the college for 4 years thing is for suckers) you might be taking a trip overseas to expand your mind, find yourself, or just do drugs and prostitutes.

Whatever your particular brand of whiskey, if you run out of money, check this article out. I actually know somebody who did number 8 and said it was one of the best experiences of their life.

25 Ways To Earn Money When You’re Broke On The Road


"I melt in your mouth, not in your hand"

I swear when I was just a kid I was rockin to this song... ok, maybe not. But I shoulda been.

Too many Dicks on the Dancefloor

Sounds like the story of my life...

Best Happy Hour... Possibly Ever

How can you say no?

Soup Kitchen Fridays
35 cent specialty drinks, free tomato soup and grilled cheese, no cover / 5pm - 7pm
The Edison
108 W. 2nd St.,
btw. Main St. and Spring St.
(213) 613-0000

If your having a bad day...

If your feeling kind of blue... This website, FML, will make you realize it could be much worse. Some are funny, some are just plain depressing.

Samples from the site...

Today, my group of friends, my girlfriend, and I were playing 'never have I ever.' My girlfriend's turn came up and she went with, 'Never have I ever had an orgasm.' FML

Today, my company hired a new guy to help on our project. My boss said that he would shadow me for the whole day so he could learn our system. At the end of the day my boss fired me, handed my company car keys and laptop to my "shadow for the day" right in front of me. My Mom picked me up. FML

Whitest kids u know... Call of Duty

Oh gamers, they are just such an easy segment of our population to make fun of...

Pretty funny clip of their POV below.

Frat Boy Anthem

I've been on Asher Roth for a minute, but with this video and sing-a-long lyrics, you will be hearing ALOT of him at every college bar across the nation.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

One last one...


Hype Williams at his finest.

Kanyeezy does it again...

Maybe the web ruined record companies, but without it, projects like this wouldn't be possible... its supposed to look fucked up btw so don't trip.

KANYE WEST "Welcome To Heartbreak" Directed by Nabil from nabil elderkin on Vimeo.

Bristol PALIN being bad

Ahhhhh teenage rebellion... Like illicit drugs, it will never be out of style.

Looks like Bristol Palin disagrees with Mommy dearest about that whole abstinence education thing... Don't you think an unhappy teenager mother would know best?

Took the weekend off...

Took the weekend off being an absolute bum. Good looks to Lan and Jady for being my sugar parents. I'll pay you both back ten-fold when I become rich and famous.


Even if you claim to not like soccer, you gotta respect the skills shown in this video. Plus dudes like Ronaldo get more females than Tom Brady. 'Nuff said.

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Wire: Rappers as the Characters

I have seen every episode of the wire, and I love rap. So this article was the best of both worlds for me.

The Next Movement: Young Drizzy aka Heartbreak Drake

If you aren't on Drake yet, its time.

His latest mixtape is fire, mixing Kanye 808's type stuff with weezy-esque bars.

Download the new mixtape here: So far Gone

Thursday, February 12, 2009

It's a recession?

You know how musicians always complain about P2P making them poor?

As Bob Lefsetz would say,


What am I talking about? THIS.

Ya Boy?

Is it possible that this man Ya Boy, of Step ya Game Up fame just came out with this as his new song?

Sad, sad state of affairs in the bay area rap community these days.

(But the song is kinda hot... parentheses used to keep any shred of street cred I ever had)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Officially the stupidest news story of all time...

We are in an economic crisis and somehow this is news?

Utterly fucking ridiculous. That people cared that Michael Phelps smoked out of a bong once was stupid and shortsighted. But now they are arresting the other kids who smoked with him at the same party?

Don't we have bigger fish to fry?

Sunday, February 8, 2009

What the...?

I guess I'm out of touch.

T Pain rocks SNL...

This SNL Digital Short is kinda funny, with T-Pain definitely stealing the show at the end.

Pretty much sums up popular rap for the past few years.


Thursday, February 5, 2009

One Night Stand from hell...

Remember that girl who wouldn't stop calling after your one night stand, thinking you were going to marry her in summer under the Eiffel Tower in Pari?

This is worse...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


A deal that can't be beat...

In the inumerable words of Jeezy... "It's A Recession."

So you can't complain with this event.

Enjoy Human Launch Party Valentine bash
Saturday, February 7th
open bar, free food, no cover / 7pm - 2am

Are we human, or are we dancer? Tonight we are both. And with 7 hours of open bar, you can damn well bet we are drinker too. Enjoy Human will be sure to get you hamboned with endless hours bbq, booze and jammin'.

Enjoy Human
2316 Porter Street , Downtown, Los Angeles

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Throwback action...

A sexy ass song with lyrics that make no fucking sense... whatever. Christina looks/sounds BAD.